I wish I could say I was in a writer's slump, but I can't.
I wish I could say I have my writing mojo back, but I don't.
For me to get onto my computer at 9PM on a Wednesday night for the first time all week is pretty much the equivalent of saying Lindsay Lohan doesn't have a drug problem. Preposterous!!!
But it's true. *sigh*
I could say one of my reasons is because I am secretively boycotting my old computer that locks up and shuts down while mocking me with a perpetual circular rainbow any time I try to open an application. I did that for awhile, until I really looked into the cost of getting a new one and then I got depressed. Just a little.
The truth behind all of this actually lies behind one of my most despised and hated phrases of all time:
I've been busy.
Ugh...I hate myself a little bit just for writing it and actually putting an emphatic period behind it. Shame on me. I cannot even begin to explain how much I abhor it when people use being busy as an excuse. For ANYTHING. But I'm doing it, because I am becoming a pro at living out the paradoxical tendencies of my life that seem to define me. I'm busy. (Insert over-exaggerated gag reflex here)
But it's kinda true. Ever since early September, it has been NON stop. From football and soccer games and practices, new classes starting up, ministry work, traveling for presentations, meetings and planning for upcoming events and working more hours for more cash at the coffee shop, I feel like I can officially call myself a Mom. Maybe even a soccer mom. No, let's not go that far. I don't have a mini van with multiple sport and name decals attached to the back windshield, complete with license plate that actually SAYS "SCR MOM" and a floor full of dropped french fries that have somehow managed to never rot. That's not me. Well, not all of it.
Where was I going with this thought? Oh yeah...being busy.
In the next weeks, I'm hoping to catch you up on little tid bits of my life.... bass fishing with Pastor Clark being one of them, spending three days in North Carolina with one of my favorite Quaker pastors (the only one I know, actually...), more customer-isms from the coffee shop, more successes and failures in my quest to live healthier, sharing fall photos and other random and mostly useless things that I find imperative to share....
I'm sorry for my absence. My return was inevitable. I promise (more like"really hope") that I don't go through this long of writing droughts in the future. It really is therapeutic for me to be here with you, even if none of you even take the time to mull through my mutterings. This is a good place for me to be. And it helps me work through other things in my life that I don't necessarily write about here. So, I'll do my very best to be back more consistently. Thanks for hanging in there...
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