Friday, August 3, 2012

My Top 10 Twitter Recommendations

I don't follow a whole lot of people on Twitter, but the ones I do, I thoroughly enjoy reading their updates. I only wish more people would tweet more...

That being said, and with today being Follow Friday, I'm giving my Top 10 recommendations for people to follow on Twitter. While I love all the people I follow, these ones stand out a bit because of content and/or frequency. So without further ado (and not in any particular order)....I present to you:

1. @MyNewNostalgia and @LeliaChealey - This one has two in it because they're equally as good as far as referring back to their site or blog. Very good reads on their blogs, from inspiration to recipes to anything that pertains to life. Being a part of their blogs is definitely worth it. You can find the blog for @MyNewNostalgia at and for @LeliaChealey at

2. @GlobalSGroup - This is a fairly new tweeter, an investigator of sex trafficking that has first hand experience and knowledge on how to attack the problem on both the supply and demand ends. Read firsthand accounts from him on his blog at

3. @Jonacuff - Blogs, humor and inspiration...I always look forward to when he updates. His blog can be found at if you want to keep up with him in addition to twitter.

4. @Compete4Christ - This offers motivation and inspiration to Christian competitors and athletes and helps remind them to focus on Christ and use their athletic stage to bring glory to God. To read more about Compete4Christ and their mission, take some time to read the blog at

5. @PrairieRimBen - This photographer is not only an old friend, but an amazing photographer with a TON of useful knowledge. His blog offers a lot of great advice for photographers. Plus, he's funny. Learn more from him or see his work also by visiting:

6. @DJ_Jones73 - There's a lot of good professional athletes out there to follow, but this one is definitely my favorite. Currently playing football for the Eagles, he tweets about life, motivates, has a great perspective on sports and often includes photos. I promise you will be entertained by his tweets. Bonus: he's a former Husker. :)

7. @MaxLucado - I follow him because this man has a way with words that I've never seen duplicated.  He's my favorite author, next only to Brennan Manning, who I would recommend but he never tweets.

8. @mycoachaaron - Another former Husker football player, Aaron has a playful personality and a contagious love and appreciation for life. If you haven't seen his wacky golf pants or his big eyes, you're missing out! His website can be found at

9. @healthysaurus - One of my besties. I love reading her tweets because she offers a lot of great advice on eating healthy and making healthy and economically-wise decisions...something I'm not the best at when left on my own. Apart from being a good friend, she's a great mom and wife!

10. @sharedhope - The tweets from this non-profit that combats sex trafficking in the USA is SO helpful and informative in bringing information and awareness to the issue. If interested, I'd strongly suggest signing up for their e-newsletter as well. You can visit their official website at

Oh, and of course, there's always ME....I don't tweet about anything in particular. But if you want to follow me, you can find me by searching for @BrownEyedY8s. :)


Marcy Bauer said...

Awwwwww. Love you, miss you! :-)

[again, this is from Marcy B. I have to figure out how to change my blog-posting profile name so it doesn't default to that "Coalition" nonsense]

Amy said...

Thank you for the feature and reading my tweets! <3

Kasey said...

Amy, I love reading EVERYTHING you write (not just the tweets) :) And Marcy, I find it funny that your comments post as A Coalition of Coalitions :))) Makes me feel like I have more people reading my stuff. haha