Friday, August 9, 2013

Ten Week Gamble - Life at Level 10

Ten weeks ago, I made one of the biggest financial gambles (and executive decisions) in my almost 13 year marriage to Paul. Many things factored into the decision, most of which I won't take the time to share (mostly just to spare you the boredom of how my thought process works). It was risky and I knew it would take time commitment and dedication on both of our parts to make sure this decision was not one made in vain.

Also, what I'm going to share with you today is easily one of THE MOST embarrassing things I've ever shared. And I don't get embarrassed very easily. Usually not at all. So this is hard for me. So, if you're uninterested in the story and just wanna see my fat picture, you can just scroll to the bottom (jerk) :) Just kidding...

Imagine this scenario: "Hey honey. I love you. *Small talk* Small talk* Avoidance chatter* Oh, and by the way, SURPRISE!!! I signed us up for a 10 week fitness challenge at Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping. It's 6 days a week for 10 weeks at 6:15 in the morning.............." That was paraphrased from the actual conversation. And the minute it left my lips, the words I spoke matched the doubting and confused look Paul was giving me. I was certain about the decision until I vocalized it to Paul. And then told him the cost.


But here's the thing. I wanted to do something challenging and rewarding this summer with Paul, somewhat in a way to celebrate our marriage....because that's exactly what our marriage has been. Anyone that's been married for any amount of time understands that. It's HARD WORK, but the reward for it all is something unexplainable. And to me, this kind of symbolized our marriage. Besides that, I was tired. I was tired of making excuses for why I wasn't happy with how I looked or why I didn't have the energy to do things I wanted to do and BLAH BLAH BLAH! I wasn't happy. Not with myself, mostly, which consequently and inevitably filtered into my life with my family. And it needed to change. It wasn't even a physical insecurity thing for me so much as it was the reminder that I wasn't treating the body God gave me with proper respect. Stress, coupled with multiple other emotional "imbalances" continued to just slowly take me further and further down and I was starting to get to that point when I didn't care anymore. I hated that.

So, we signed up. I literally used every penny I had saved in the last couple of months with my coffee shop paychecks (which was supposed to be used to have a SUPER fun summer with the kids...) and we signed our unfit lives away. For ten committed weeks.

Initially, I had signed us up because I knew it would be a killer workout. I had seen pictures and posts from a few friends who have gone through the 10 week challenge before. What I didn't know, however, is how all-inclusive this thing was. It wasn't just a workout, it was nutritional training and coaching. We had to log our food, every thing we ate and drank. "You bite it, you write it". And we would get feedback and advise on what we should change about what we were eating. We had team accountability and fitness testing at the beginning, 5 weeks in and at the end (tomorrow actually). Many things began to change in me over the course of ten weeks...

I started eating breakfast every day. And HUGE ones!
I started going to bed earlier.
I quit getting on the scale.
We ate an ungodly amount of eggs and Greek yogurt.
I started eating 500 more daily calories than I thought I needed to lose weight.
I stopped wanting to lose weight and focused on shaping my body and toning.
I learned how to pair proteins and carbs together.
I rewarded myself 1x a week and ate whatever (and I mean WHATEVER I wanted....)
I recognized social eating habits.
I drank a gazillion gallons of water. And peed a lot.
I had morning time, quality time, with my husband.
I learned how you get stronger by forcing yourself to fail (muscle failure) :)
I met new friends and learned the value of accountability and encouragement.
I've been sore for 10 weeks straight....and I love it.

I could continue to list things, but won't. But I do know's a good sign when I was running around the track and I had to stop, not because I was out of breath, but because my shorts were falling off. And it's a great feeling to try on clothes with a size I never thought I would fit into again, and they fit, almost loosely. And it's the best feeling to commit to something difficult, challenging and seemingly impossible with my husband and to accomplish it, together.

So, here's to the end of our 10 week challenge at Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping.
Here's to the end of an excuse-filled life and living life at Level 10!!!
And unfortunately, here's to the embarrassing before and after pics, from 10 weeks ago until today.
Be gentle. (But let's be honest.....the husb looks AMAZING!!!!)

Oh, and wish us luck. Tomorrow at our final testing, there is a chance (small as it may be) that one of us could win $1,000..... HOLLA!!!!

BEFORE                                 AFTER
BEFORE                                   AFTER

If any one who has read this wants to be a part of the Farrell's Team, I PROMISE you won't be disappointed. Please let me know if you want to take part or if you have any questions. I can't answer most of them, but I know where to send you to get them :) 

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