Monday, March 19, 2012

The All-Fruits & Veggies Diet Experience (Day 1)

Okay, so let's just lay it all out on the table. I am not a healthy eater.

My idea of a fruit serving is a fruit flavored smoothie that resembles fruit but tastes more like ice-cream. There are times when I've found myself arguing with the theological translations of the Bible because surely the "paradise" in the Garden of Eden wouldn't be JUST fruit...

And today, I had my first mango experience. Real mango, that is. From a tree. I had to google how to cut it.

In case you were wondering why I'm blogging about this, it's because my husband and I have decided to go one full week, eating only fruits and veggies (and a few nuts and beans to maintain my lean and fit physique, of course). And this is day one.

I've never had a mango before. I don't like the sound of the name when it comes out of my mouth, so I've never been daring enough to actually put one in it. And I'm serious about having to consult Google to see how to eat it. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to eat the skin or not. I didn't even know there was a pit inside of it.

Truth: I didn't really like it. But we bought quite a few of them and I imagine I'll be eating quite a few of them this week. The taste was sweet and it was good. But I had to close my eyes and imagine that I was Tom Hanks in Castaway and I had gone a long time without anything to eat and this one fruit, this mango before me, was the prize food I've been looking for. I'm dead serious, that's what I did. And I wasn't sure if I should cut it into bits and eat it by the slice, so I basically chose to use my front teeth like a cheese grater and just saw it off into my mouth. Probably not exactly the 5 start restaurant way to eat it, but I'm learning. I texted Paul after I had it and he asked me if it was ripe. Um.....may have to google that one again. How would I know if it's ripe, it's my FIRST ONE!!!

Verdict: The mango rates as "okay" to my tastebud preferences. I have a weird taste in my mouth now and my tongue feels furry. I'm not sure if it's the taste of the mango or the taste of my pride going down the drain for actually writing about it. But I'm vowing to write about this experience because I believe this is going to be my jumpstart into a healthier life and losing weight. And when people see me a few months from now and see that I've lost weight, they will inevitably ask me how and I will tell them to read my blog. Easy enough, right?

At the beginning of the year 2012, I gave up fast food and soda as my New Year's resolution. And for the first time in my life, I've actually stuck with it. And, my friends, I'm taking it to an even higher level. Cheers to a more healthy me.

Now, does anyone have any dental floss around here? I've got a good size mango strip stuck in my teeth...

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